If you were unable to carry out your normal occupation for a prolonged period due to an illness or injury, could you continue to meet your financial commitments? Who would pay your mortgage repayments, maintain your personal loans, your medical bills or even your children's school expenses?
Only five life assurance companies in Ireland offer income protection plans and R&L Financial Services deal with all of them. We will help you choose the one that suits your needs best.
We can provide you with all you need to know about individual income protection. We will explain the details of the plan to you in full, provide you with a personalised quote , answer any questions that you may have and organise your policy for you.
Now think about if you no longer had this income, how would you pay for everything? Now think about Income Protection.
Why Protect your Income?
Do you realise that 1 in 6 of Irish workers will be out of work due to sickness or disability for more than 6 months over the course of their working life.
Sick Pay Coverage
Social Welfare Benefit
We provide a range of protection options including protection for your home, income, family and business.
Take control of your retirement and plan for the future with a pension from R&L Financial Services.
Investing money safely and professionally is a vital part of your financial security planning.